Will Threads report more monthly active users than Twitter before 2026?

See the question and its resolution criteria on Metaculus: https://www.metaculus.com/questions/17763/threads-more-users-than-twitter-before-2026/

This question resolves as YES if, before Dec 31, 2025, Meta publicly reports Threads has a Monthly Active User number higher than the best public estimates of Twitter's MAUs at that time, and NO otherwise.

Resolves the same way as the linked quesiton on Metaculus.

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opened a Ṁ2,000 YES at 16% order

175M MAUs, per Mark

opened a Ṁ5,005 NO at 13% order

Open until Feb 2

Ṁ8K in NO limit orders from 17% to 24% open for the next week. @TP ?


@toms You're correct but you can get your mana back a lot faster here:

M500 No order at 19%