Conditional on no major catastrophes, will Americans be happier in 2033 than in 2023?

I define major catastrophes as world wars, pandemics at least as severe as COVID, or other events on an I-know-it-when-I-see-it basis of a similar scale that upends general American life. Mass unemployment and economic recession/depression do not count as catastrophes for the purposes of this question.

Conditional on no such catastrophe before 2024, will the World Happiness Report show that Americans are happier in 2033 than 2023? If the WHR ceases to exist, or changes its measurements system to the extent that fair comparisons cannot be made between the 2023 and 2033 scores, I will default to a similar metric of people's subjective well-being.

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I won't bet on this market, but in discussion with a friend, I've claimed to be willing to buy YES at 66%. Just wanted to mark my opinion.