Conditional on not having died from unaligned AGI, I consider myself a full time alignment researcher by the end of 2030

I suspect that the primary mechanism by which this market resolves to NO would be either burnout or running out of funding. However, do not be limited to these mechanisms when trading.

Relevant market:

I do not intend to buy shares in this market (either YES or NO).

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unlikely given it'll be fully solved by then if we're not dead

@L Short timelines 😨

predicts NO

@Alana yeah read through my current portfolio to get a sense of how short

Oh no I forgot I'm not supposed to buy shares in this market.

Conditional on not having died from unaligned AGI, I consider myself a full time alignment researcher by the end of 2030, 8k, beautiful, illustration, trending on art station, picture of the day, epic composition