Will I double my Twitter/X followers in 2024?
Jan 2

Resolves 'yes' if the follower count of @alex_calderwoo by the end of 2024 is at or above 650 followers.

I think the odds are relatively high that I begin paying more attention to my branding and online presence this year.

Disclaimer: I will be trading on this market, but will resolve according the outcome.

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Not looking great... I added 2 more.

I've added less than 5 so far.

I met randomly someone on the cliffs at night who told me he was trying to get to a million subscribers this year. I asked him how many he had. He said, "about 400...". Thousand? I thought. We agreed to exchange contacts, I'd shoot to double my followers across all social media platforms and he would go for the mil.

He only had 400 subs when we exchanged instas. But I'm rooting for him.

I've kind of lost the motivation on my own project.