Will the US have an Asian president by 2041?

A person will count as Asian if they are at least 50% racially Asian.

This includes a person with heratige from Anatolia or the Arabian Peninsula.

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Are you counting Harris in this? Idk what percentage she’s considered Asian.

Her mom is Indian. Most Indians are close to 100% Indian. Half of that plus her father is about 50% Indian. Unless news comes out that her mom had a white grandfather or something, she will count for this.

Just to be clear: we're including Anatolia and the Arabian Peninsula here? So an Arab or Turk president would be Asian too?

@tfae I'm open to not including them if there's a good reason...? Otherwise yes.

@AmitAmin I would say they should be included.

predicts NO

@yetimaster I've updated the description to mark that those areas are included.