Will Lloyd Austin announce his resignation as Secretary of Defense during 2024?
Jan 1
Austin cancels trip to Brussels for Ukraine meeting due to hospitalization https://www.politico.com/news/2024/02/12/austin-brussels-ukraine-00140953
Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin released from hospital and resumes duties https://www.axios.com/2024/02/13/lloyd-austin-hospital-released-resumes-duties

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Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin released from hospital and resumes duties


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Biden should accept his resignation and appoint Lindsey Graham the new secretary. For all of his flaws when it comes to Trump, he is highly qualified and would probably be really good at it.

@SemioticRivalry @BTE added him lol

(not saying this will happen) If he just dies while SecDef, does that count as resigning?

Austin cancels trip to Brussels for Ukraine meeting due to hospitalization


Market on who will be the next SecDef, since his departure seems probable:

predicts YES

Austinโ€™s hospital debacle: A timeline of events


We still don't know why he was in the hospital either time.

Related question, please note the shorter timeline:

predicts YES

Apologies, misread the market.

Note that there are worlds where even if Austin has full confidence of President, he might resign after the election anyways