Left-Wing or Right-Wing? Which person/character/concept will Manifold think are "Right-Wing" this week?
Sep 22
Manifold comments in the past few weeks
The Principle of Sufficient Reason
Hilary Putnam (1994)
Hilary Putnam (1977)
Turning the names of politicians you oppose into rude words (e.g. "santorum")
Inventing insulting nicknames for your political opponents (e.g. "Sleepy Joe")
Enclosure of the commons
Floating exchange rates
Capital controls
Currency pegs
Having a currency board
Free banking
Allowing actors to profit from the positive externalities they create
Making actors bear the cost of the negative externalities they create
The Duhem-Quine Thesis
"Can There Be Vague Objects?" by Gareth Evans
"Possible Girls" by Neil Sinhababu

Each answer contains a question: Do you think the person/character/concept is more Right-Wing (YES) or more Left-Wing (NO)? Bet YES, or NO, according to your opinion. 1 person = 1 vote (per answer), so having more shares does not make your vote count for more.

Heavily inspired from @Joshua's excellent market,


You can submit any person/character/concept (shortened to p/c/c for the rest of the description), as well as a link / short phrase to give traders some context. If other people trade on your submission, you'll get mana off of their transaction fees (edit may 29: currently not true, but I believe it is being implemented currently).

I may N/A options for quality control, or edit them to provide a more neutral summary.

As a trader, you should buy any amount of YES in p/c/c you think are Right-Wing, buy any amount of NO in p/c/c you think are Left-Wing. I will leave the definition of those terms up to you. The amount of shares doesn't matter for the resolution, one share of yes is one vote and one hundred shares of yes is also one vote.

If I think you are voting purely as a troll, such as buying no in every option, I may block you or disregard your votes. Please vote in good faith! But hey, I can't read your mind. Ultimately this market is on the honor system.

Note that market prices will be a bit strange here, because this is simultaneously a market and a poll. If you sell your shares, you are also removing your vote.

The market will close every every week; See the close date to know on what day. I will then check the positions tab on options that have been submitted.

If there is a clear majority of YES holders, the option resolves YES.

If there is a clear majority of NO holders, the option resolves NO.

If it's very close and votes are still coming in, the option will remain un-resolved.

The market will then re-open for new submissions, with a new close date the next week. This continues as long as I think the market is worth running.

It does not matter what % the market is at, and bots holding a position are also counted.

Some guidlines:

  • I encourage you not to bet options to extremes (1% or 99%) before a quite clear majority has been established. Otherwise, it prevents others from betting toward that extreme, and can bias the results.

I may update these exact criteria to better match the spirit of the question if anyone has any good suggestions, so please leave a comment if you do.


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"Possible Girls" by Neil Sinhababu

Guys this is like the incel-iest paper ever, smh

@Najawin how would you summarise the content?

@TheAllMemeingEye It starts from the philosophical assumption of modal realism, which roughly means all possible worlds exist.

From there he makes an argument that all possible girls exist, and in particular, his perfect soulmate is somewhere in the multiverse dreaming about him.

@TimothyJohnson5c16 right thanks

Little did he realise that there are infinitely more slightly imperfect versions, and also infinitely many beings that would specifically hate him

It's basically the equivalent of writing a self-insert romantic fan fiction and searching for it in the Library of Babel website, like sure technically it exists, but so does literally everything else

@TheAllMemeingEye Actually, the problem of identifying the perfect soulmate from all the slightly imperfect versions is one of the key problems in the paper! The biggest obstacle is to ensure that that girl is dreaming about him instead of a slightly different version of him.

But yes, the comparison to the Library is Babel is accurate.

@TimothyJohnson5c16 tbh, I think the interesting part is arguing that inter-world relationships are meaningful at all.

Currency pegs

@mariopasquato left wing regimes often fail to keep the peg...

@BrunoParga It would be interesting to see whether “left wing” (suitably defined) regimes are more likely to unpeg their currencies wrt “right wing” ones, using data. I suspect that it’s the country fundamentals that matter more than the color of the government though

@mariopasquato sure N=1 here, but one of the most recent examples is Cuba abolishing its CUC.

@BrunoParga Yeah it shouldn’t be too hard to gather a proper dataset and maybe someone did it already, but I am lazy

Free banking

@mariopasquato what does this mean exactly?

@BrunoParga I assumed it meant postal banking, but I suppose we should go with the originator's intent.


bought Ṁ1 Free banking YES

@mariopasquato thank you. Seems quite clearly a right-wing idea to me. But then again if it puts on some makeup it could pass for leftist, like those "local currency" schemes.

bought Ṁ50 "Possible Girls" by ... NO

Quine is rightwing, Neil Sinhababu is left-wing. Quine claimed that the sputnik launch was fake because the commies couldn't possibly do that, and when people were like "hey, what were you thinking" years later he basically said "Look, what do you want from me, I'm extremely right-wing, I believe extremely right-wing things."

bought Ṁ50 Currency pegs NO

@PhilosophyBear No no, it's the paper you're grading, not the philosopher. But yes, Quine is very right wing. I heard an anecdote about him musing that Vietnam War protestors should have water canons turned on them.

"Possible Girls" by Neil Sinhababu

I have a girlfriend, but she goes to another possible world

@Najawin Why did you submit the same option twice?

@PlasmaBallin Imagine how funny it would be if one of them was yes and the other was no.

How can we know if gavagai is right wing or left wing when we can never know what it means?

bought Ṁ25 "Can There Be Vague ... NO
bought Ṁ50 Answer #ax5jsyt6wr YES

Yes but he doesn't want to admit it.

bought Ṁ5 Answer #znv0nuq651 YES

Right-wingers are older, and as a result they probably get more sleep

Uh, have we forgotten Trump's comments? Especially in light of the Fed's recent actions?

@Fion Surely it has an at least poorly defined average

@Bayesian what does?

@Fion The average such space!

opened a Ṁ50 Answer #n4d8sa4aeh NO at 60% order

@Bayesian the average space that doesn't have a well defined average has a poorly defined average?

I can't believe you'd endorse such a fat-right conspiracy theory!


such a fat-right conspiracy theory!

hey, no body shaming!