Will I (@Bayesian) cross 1750 Blitz on lichess.org in 2024?
Jan 1

https://lichess.org/@/Bayesmth. Recently hit 1748. I only play occasionally.

EDIT 3/5/24 Turns out I crossed 1750 before the market was created, https://lichess.org/MU10Tk6q. This market only considers a 1750 rating after market creation.

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Havent played chess in months. Dont think im gonna hit it, but wont buy NO bc bad incentives there

I'm rooting for you! Good luck!

bought Ṁ10 YES

Should the market resolve YES, since you already crossed 1750 in 2024? E.g. after this game on Jan 15: https://lichess.org/MU10Tk6q

@mr_mino oh nice find, hmmmmm

I suppose I won't count it since it was before the creation of this market so despite technically meaning I crossed 1750 blitz in 2024, it probably shouldn't count. will clarify description

looking real bad

I play chess when im feeling upset or impatient so that probably doesnt' help

I'm at 1526 now. market is overpriced

sold Ṁ10 YES

@Bayesian I think you recently hit 1648, not 1748