Which companies will falsely claim to not be using AI art before 2025 (unlimited multiple choice)
Dec 31
Wizards of the Coast

Wizards of the Coast was recently under some fire after they used (obviously) AI generated marketing material for Magic: The Gathering:

Which other companies will claim to not be using AI art / claim to only be using human art, but actually be found out to be using AI art?

Each answer will be resolved individually, either on the 31st December 2024 or when they are found to be using AI generated images despite claiming not to.

If a company is submitted that has already (before 2024-01-11) been found to be using AI generated images despite claiming not to, I will resolve that choice as NA. I've added (and resolved) WotC already, to make this doubly clear.

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Commenting "Wacom" just so I don't submit it and have it resolve N/A ๐Ÿ˜… That happened right before this market was created!

@Clark thanks for commenting! Here's a link for future travellers:


I think the difficulty here is if they hire a human artist and that artist uses AI for at least part of the process.

Iโ€™m also not sure how you will be able to ascertain whether the art is really AI-generated, fully or in part.

@SantiagoRomeroBrufau this is a fair concern. If a company releases something that's widely accepted to be AI art, I'll call it AI art. If it seems on the fence, I'll set up a dedicated market for that particular artwork and let the predictors decide. Part of the reason for putting a deadline on this market is to limit how believable the companies AO art can get