Will male-chick-culling be illegal in the EU by the end of 2035?

Currently, male chicks are killed soon after they hatch because they are not cost effective to raise to maturity (https://www.vox.com/future-perfect/2023/5/1/23700952/egg-industry-male-chick-culling-animal-welfare).

This would probably be illegal, except nobody has yet figured out how to tell the sex of a chicken before it has hatched. Some startups and tech firms are trying to figure it out, but nothing yet. If they can figure it out (and make it cost effective at an industrial scale), the EU will likely outlaw male-chick-culling.

This market will resolve YES if (at any point, for any reason) the EU makes male-chick-culling illegal. It will resolve NO otherwise, on 1 Jan 2036.

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