What will be true of xkcd's for September 23rd-September 27th?
Sep 23
All letters in every comic will be uppercase
There will be at least one comic with no stick figures at all
There will be at least one comic that is a graph/chart
There will be at least one space-related comic
The sum of all the digits appearing in the comics (not the title or title text) is even
Megan will make an appearance
Cueball will be in >=2 of the comics
The comics will have >=5 panels collectively
There will be a color other than black or white used (intentional use of gray counts as a distinct color)
Ponytail will make an appearance
White Hat will make an appearance
Black Hat will make an appearance
There will be at least one character that represents an actual person
At least one comic will reference the 2024 U.S. Election, or any of its major participants

To make things more interesting, I will reopen after the first and second comics to allow people to bet using this new information, as long as there are no questions regarding how one of the questions should resolve.

I will resolve any answers to these questions as soon as I have time to resolve and the result has become clear. If an answer is potentially ambiguous, I will wait to see thoughts posted on explain xkcd, and will either resolve or conclude N/A based on the possible consensus there.

Others are free to add options. I will delete duplicates and ask regarding resolution criteria for potentially vague options, or questions that I am not sure how to resolve. If you believe that there is potentially a vague option, feel free to comment so we can address the issue as early as possible.

I may bet in this market, but do not bet on questions about myself. On debatable questions, I will ask for trader input, and will put my reasoning once I come to a conclusion.

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