Who will be the oldest winner of a UCI Men's Elite Professional (.1+) race in the 2024 UCI season?
Oct 30
Oscar Sevilla (1976-09-29)
Mark Cavendish (1985-05-21)
Jakob Fuglsang (1985-03-22)
Chris Froome (1985-05-20)
Geraint Thomas (1986-05-25)
Michael Morkov (1985-04-30)
Saeid Safarzadeh (1985-09-21)
Benjamin Prades (1983-10-06)
Domenico Pozzovivo (1982-11-30)

This will resolve YES to the rider who is the oldest winner of a UCI Professional Men's Elite race in the 2024 UCI season. The win can be a one day race, a stage, or a general classification.

The age is the exact age (years+days) of the rider at the time of their (last) win.

If you add a rider, please include their date of birth in parentheses (yyyy-mm-dd).

The race categories that are eligible are:







European Continental Championship

World Championships

Olympic Games

The following categories, and anything else not listed above, do not count: Continental Games, Regional Games, 2.2, 1.2, national-level races, U23 races, junior races.

This question concerns the UCI's 2024 season, starting now and running through the end of the 2024 season, expected to be late in October 2024. A win in the calendar year 2023 but 2024 UCI season counts for this question and a win in the calendar year 2024 but 2025 UCI season does not count.

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Benjamin Prades won another .2 stage, still doesn't count for this market, though.

bought แน€10 Mark Cavendish (1985... YES
  • Mark Cavendish won again today so he should be standing at 14233 days and still leading.

  • Sevilla still has no wins this year.

  • Benjamin Prades got a win but it was a 2.2 and does not count for this market.

  • Domenico Pozzovivo signed for Bardiani and is currently racing the Giro so I've added him

bought แน€500 Geraint Thomas (1986... NO

Mark Cavendish won a 2.1 stage today in Colombia, so he is currently leading. Oscar Sevilla has injured himself in the same race so he will need some time to recover before attempting to take the lead.

bought แน€50 Oscar Sevilla (1976-... NO

@Eliza I think it is unlikely Sevilla has more than a couple chances to even compete in races at the level this market is concerned with. Last year his team got to do a tiny handful of .Pro races and the rest are .2 or national level races. Bought some No on him.

bought แน€250 Saeid Safarzadeh (19... NO

@Eliza so Thomas and Safarzadeh are out, right? This market will remain exciting given that Froome and Fuglsang are younger. Astana (including Cavendish) might work for Morkov for a final stage victory at the end of the year, he totally deserves such a goodbye.

@egroj I believe Safarzadeh could win a race at least 4 months after the last win of Cavendish and still take this market. So as of now that would mean a win after at least (approximately) 9 June 2024. If Cavendish wins a race after around late June, then it would be impossible for Safarzadeh to beat him.

The actual count should be based on days since birth at the time of the win, hopefully it isn't so close we have to call their mothers to ask what time of day they were born.

After some consultation, I wish to remove the following categories from eligibility:

- National Championships
- Continental Championships

And add one:

- European Continental Championship

If anyone has a strong preference against this, please share within the next day or so, otherwise consider these changes to be enacted.

@Eliza The main reasoning is I don't want some rider no one has ever heard of to win a National Championship on some island somewhere and 'ruin' this market. It's no fun to predict something you will have no info/news of until after it happens, etc.

For the sake of everyone in this market, I really truly hope Oscar Sevilla doesn't luck his way into a .Pro win in 2024. If we get wins from some 1985s, the title could pass back and forth throughout the season which would be really fun.