Will Canadians be able to vote in American elections by mid 2029

Any level, city state or national, for at least 100 Canadians resident in the US

By mid 2029

They must have actually voted and had it count

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Canadians with American citizenship can vote in American elections.

If you discover that it is (or becomes) allowed, will you immediately resolve the market? Or will you wait until 2029 to resolve?

If it switched from allowed to not-allowed before the close date (e.g. you read an article in 2024 explaining that it is allowed in one small jurisdiction, and then in 2029 hat jurisdiction repeals it), would you resolve it as "NO" due to the final tate of the question, or "YES" based on the fact it was allowed at one point?

Yeah, this is already legal.

"The District of Columbia and municipalities in three states allowed noncitizens to vote in local elections as of June 2023: California, Maryland, and Vermont."


bought แน€250 YES

@Ernie can you please advise whether you consider this to sufficiently meet the conditions of your question?

Does Ted Cruz voting for himself next year count?

ChatGPT is not a reliable source, it often invents or misconstrues information.

Why would they

@jbca from what I've heard many regions in Europe allow non citizen residents to vote in local elections

predicts NO

@Ernie Oh, cool, I forgot about that

According to https://www.boston.com/news/local-news/2023/12/14/city-council-approves-measure-that-would-let-immigrants-with-legal-status-vote-in-boston-elections/?amp=1 this is already the case for some major municipal elections: โ€œAt least 15 municipalities across America have given municipal voting rights to non-citizens, according to the sponsors. This includes San Francisco, New York City, and communities in Maryland and Vermont.โ€, so maybe this is already true