Will the mana supply grow to 1B mana before 2025?
Dec 30

Resolves according to the last official mana supply figures published by Manifold on December 31st at 22:00 UTC+1.

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@GastonKessler Can you clarify whether this will take "prize cash" into account or just mana?

I assume this resolves based on the total here, which includes Spice (aka Prize Points) and AMM liquidity:


I believe the only ways this can increase post-pivot are:

  • Subsidies created by the Manifold team. So far, they've added 50K for each prize market.

  • People buying mana, which currently costs $1 per 1000 mana.

@TimothyJohnson5c16 there also is the 250 daily bonus

@TimothyJohnson5c16 but yeah that's the data I planned to be using