Will anyone offer to pay Eliezer Yudkowsky to write a steamy sex scene between Harry, Draco, and Hermoine?

Must be a credible offer for the appropriate amount. If this hasn't happened by the beginning of 2030, I'll assume it's not happening and resolve to NO.

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What makes something a credible offer? Does it only have to be credible that the person would pay Eliezer the promised amount conditional on him writing the scene, or does the amount have to be large enough that Eliezer could conceivably-to-you accept the offer.

@Multicore Nevermind, just noticed "for the appropriate amount" in the description.

@Multicore it must seem likely that if Eliezer were to accept, the money would actually be paid. I'm not going to count some anonymous Twitter account who says "hey I'll pay you" and then doesn't respond to requests for proof.


If EY writes a steamy sex scene between Harry, Draco, and Hermoine because he expects to make money on a prediction market about it, will that be enough to resolve YES?

@Yev No. Must be a direct offer in the spirit of the tweet.

@IsaacKing What tweet?

@Yev Oh, I see. There's a tweet embed in your market.