Will CGP Grey make a video that references prediction markets before the end of 2024?
Jan 1


Resolves YES if any CGP Grey video includes a reference to prediction markets, a specific prediction market, or something related to prediction markets, even if it's just an easter egg or offhand comment.

See also /IsaacKing/will-cgp-grey-make-a-video-about-pr

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He’s known to include small Easter egg like references. Would those count as yes?


  • manifold app logo on iPhone homescreen

  • Graph with “yes”, “no”, “%” buttons beneath it on a computer screen in the background

predicts YES

@Gerben Good question!

I don't have a strong intuition on what would better match the spirit of the question. Do other traders have an opinion on this?

predicts YES

Ok, this one will include easter eggs. I've made another market for the other interpretation.