Will I receive a brain transplant by the end of 2040?
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Wait, just to be clear, "you receive a brain transplant" means "someone else's brain gets put into your head", not "your brain gets put into someone else's head", right?

(Not that it affects my prediction at all, the likelihood here is vanishingly small...)

Could you define what you mean by a brain transplant?

predicts NO

@DanielKilian Taking a brain from one body and putting it into another.

But who will you be after receiving "someone else's" brain?

predicts NO

@o Well I won't be me anymore, sadly. Luckily I think the person who got my brain will resolve this market.

@IsaacKing rough break for the transplanted if they have to resolve all your markets. Better than death though.

Do you want a brain transplant?

@DanielKilian Not particularly

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