Will my tongue turn black?
resolved May 22

The Manifold Team is traveling to Mexico City for two weeks.

I read that instead of taking antibiotics, you can take a large amount amount of pepto bismal to prevent getting Montezuma's Revenge. So I've ordered 120 chewable tablets to bring with me.

But one side affect of the active ingredient, bismuth subsalicylate, is it will supposedly turn your tongue black!

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Yes, it totally turned black. It happened within a couple days of taking the pepto. There are witnesses.

But I thought it would get even more black so I delayed taking a photo, and I think it got less black. So I didn't end up taking any photos 😢

@JamesGrugett distressing nonetheless lol

@JamesGrugett BTW, I did make it through the trip unscathed. I'm pretty sure the pepto did save me from significant sickness!

@JamesGrugett I hear the leftovers are saving @Gen's life at the mo 😂

@shankypanky Ahhh, that's great. Yes, I gave him most of a full box

😂 there's nothing to worry about in Mexico City, don't kill your tongue!
(city recommendation/travel bingo market incoming?)

@shankypanky Not true, at least for me haha. I got very sick for like a month the last time we went.

And, great idea, it's created: /JamesGrugett/what-will-the-manifold-team-do-in-m

@shankypanky i tried the pepto trick last year when visiting cdmx & the black tongue thing happened pretty quickly to both me & my gf, i think it's pretty consistent (& nothing to worry about)

i did still get sick near the end—anecdotally i'm pretty sure it was some street paletas fwiw (i hear there's minimal risk from almost any restaurant/store you'd go to, it's really just stuff bought on the street)

@Ziddletwix interesting. admittedly I don't seem to be sensitive to getting sick while traveling (and I've been fortunate to visit a lot of developing and developed countries). I'm also just more likely to be mindful about what I'm doing than to take something to try to avoid it, but that's totally just my approach on most things lol
I only got sick once in Mexico and needed some antibiotics for a couple of days, but I was in the mountains in the dry season and the water is just more risky that time of year - lots of locals were getting stomach/intestinal viruses at the time.
paletas are mostly water so I'm not surprised by that, or if you said you ate some of those fruit cups from the street etc. street tacos have always been fine for me? and restaurants are really modern particularly in Condesa/Roma/San Miguel/surrounds so not much to stress about there.

fwiw James I have the number of a great doctor that makes house calls (I came back to CDMX after the aforementioned stay in the mountains) that I can send you if you feel unwell lol

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