Jason Ween Love Stocks: Multi-Stonk Drifting
Sa Stock
Selena Stock
Alyssa Stock

Yes/good = Buy
No/bad = Short

This is a permanent market which trades on sentiment.

The aim is to sell your stock when you believe your side has over-corrected and buy in/short it again once it's over-corrected to the other side. Essentially, it's meant to function like a traditional stock market.

In this multi-market, there are several stocks which always sum to 100%. You want to buy your preferred stocks higher than the other stocks, and then sell for profit.

New options can split from the "other" option if I add them, so let me know if you have suggestions. I'll only add things that a lot of people want me to add though.

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@JasonMemes would you consider adding emily?


a short time frame

sa has to be the safest option

@pramma_ nah everyone's not expecting it but that other option is a wildcard

do you want to open this up to additions?

For Arbitrage:

bought Ṁ10 Other NO

I have set the initial odds based on this poll: