If AI wipes out humanity, what will it make of the universe?
Paperclips or widgets
Literal rats on literal heroin
non-hedonic utilitronium
Matrioshka brains to simulate torture of everyone who didn't help create it
Matrioshka brains to simulate zillions of ems
Wait till carbon white dwarfs cool enough to turn to diamond and then cut them into cool shapes
initiate vacuum collapse
Other "loud" outcome
It will be "quiet" and not significantly alter the rest of the universe.

Not mutually exclusive, can resolve PROB to multiple.

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bought Ṁ30 It will be "quiet" a... YES

There's a great deal of evidence it will be quiet:

1. In all likelihood, it will not be the first AI.

  1. The visible universe has not yet had anything 'loud' done to it

  2. Therefore, AI's are generally quiet in this universe.

  3. Our AI probably won't be any different

bought Ṁ30 initiate vacuum coll... NO

Being quiet makes you vulnerable. Check grabby aliens model.

grid-style ion drives would destroy themselves pretty quickly at 200KeV energy levels, and assuming helium fuel instead of xenon, the rest mass is 3727 MeV, so that's an isp of only circa sqrt(200KeV/3727MeV)c = 0.007c

Assuming they solve that with some other kind of ion drive, shooting fission products out the back, it would still have a wall plug efficiency <80%, and the underlying fission power source (assuming fusion is impossible) would be <50% efficient at producing electricity, so you get an isp of like sqrt(0.8*0.5*200MeV/(238amu*c^2))c = 0.019c and probably a large non-propellant mass on the vessel. With 99% fuel you're only getting up to 8.7% of the speed of light and there's no significant time dilation. Interstellar travel is probably unavoidably terribly slow, which provides a big defender's advantage, so an expansionist AI would get stopped by other AIs.