Will Biden announce mass student loan forgiveness during his first presidential term?
Nov 5
Resolves Yes if Biden announces a policy with the aim of forgiving a majority of student loans owed to the government before the 2024 presidential election.
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"during his first presidential term" generally means before noon on January 20, 2025. The term ends when the next person is sworn in, or he is sworn in for his second term, not on election day.

https://www.cnbc.com/2022/06/23/what-bidens-student-loan-forgiveness-decision-will-mean-for-borrowers.html from this article: "A wide-scale student loan cancellation of $10,000 per borrower would forgive a total of $321 billion of federal student loans and eliminate the entire balance for about 11.8 million borrowers" I'm seeing the total student loan debt being reported at ~$1.6 trillion from manyu sources... that seems like $10k/$321B is only about 20% of the total...so that would NOT be *majority* by total value. Also seeing reported "More than 40 million Americans carry student loan debt"...so 11.8 milliion borrowers / >40 million = <30% by number of borrowers...so also NOT *majority* of borrowers. Tetraspace...This seems to show that $10k per person would NOT be majority of student loans.
Curious about where the current plan ($10k per person who earns below $150k) stands for this question; I suspect, being only $10k, it won't be a majority of student loans.