Will the Federal Reserve cut rates by May 2025?

"And actually, you know, since we’re probably going to—we’re having real rates that are going to have to be meaningfully positive, and significantly so, for us to get inflation down, that probably means—that certainly means that it will be appropriate to cut rates at such time as inflation is coming down really significantly. And, again, we’re talking about a couple years out, I think." - Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell

If this prediction of Chair Powell holds true and the FOMC doesn't cut rates until the end of May 2025, this market resolves to NO. Otherwise, it resolves to YES.

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How much do rates have to be cut? Would a 0.25% decrease at any time resolve YES?

@Pepe yes

Can you clarify the description? It seems to contradict the question

@MarcusAbramovitch it was wrong, just corrected

predicts NO

@MP Since the description of the resolution criteria was changed after some trades were made, can I cancel my trade?

@BruceG yes, I can restore your mana. But I don't think there's a way that I recover the accounting loss

predicts NO

@MP So do I need to do anything to cancel or can I just make a request here that you cancel it and restore the mana on your end? (My understanding is that it is possible to resolve some markets as "Not Applicable", in which case I would assume trades get cancelled and the mana restored with no accounting loss, but that would cancel it for everyone.)

@BruceG sell your shares, I send you a manalink with the corresponding manalink

@MP Ok, I sold them.

@MP Ok, thanks.