Will the Doomsday Clock be 60s (or less) to midnight by end of January 2026

Resolves "Yes" if the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists' Doomsday Clock at https://thebulletin.org/doomsday-clock/ is set to 60s to midnight or less by the end of January 2026.

Will the doomsday clock advance towards midnight?
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They can't think the world is getting worse and worse forever. Some day the current era of pessimism will end. I suspect once the Ukraine war is over they will put the clock back a little.

@justifieduseofFallibilism Will the Doomsday Clock reach 40 seconds by 2027?

bought Ṁ10 NO from 22% to 21%
predicts NO

@NickAllenc961 what do you mean?

@justifieduseofFallibilism If the Doomsday Clock were to reach a minute to midnight by 2026, the clock would be 40 seconds to midnight by 2027?

bought Ṁ10 NO at 21%

@justifieduseofFallibilism Will the Doomsday Clock reach 50 seconds to midnight by 2027?

bought Ṁ12 NO at 22%