Will Jimmy Carter be alive when this market rolls a critical hit? [Round 2]
Sep 27

This market resolves No when Jimmy Carter dies. Until then, every Friday I will ask @FairlyRandom to roll a D20. If the result is 20, this market resolves Yes.

This is the second iteration of this market. The first time, the market resolved Yes in its second week.

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@MartyDettmann your random number is: 13

Salt: j0ecs6h9zim, round: 4380844 (signature b4cc792b8f2c01424e27fc870369c7cace5b96f1eda52b9d62a45cc1c6e791a67c5d8aa8f3b10ca3e1611d65f72432e9101eb864c086bbb9105ca30a56e3893ae1baf57d44bd4b40c47d6a2db15dbec8f3751f8289ff76eb4c96b259e5bd6087)


@MartyDettmann you asked for a random integer between 1 and 20, inclusive. Coming up shortly!

Source: GitHub, previous round: 4380842 (latest), offset: 2, selected round: 4380844, salt: j0ecs6h9zim.


@MartyDettmann your random number is: 10

Salt: uy0c50t4k0s, round: 4360668 (signature b381c4196b7a7d0416e7591e7b20110e7021a4be506f42c67a337e424ff7a740f6b30bb7aa424d9b11586794f2fb5301122ee970f5637be35b26b9aa8842df1e2eade51e60ff8527e911823d191aebcb54ed4707c4285656617c25b95c9032c5)


@MartyDettmann you asked for a random integer between 1 and 20, inclusive. Coming up shortly!

Source: GitHub, previous round: 4360666 (latest), offset: 2, selected round: 4360668, salt: uy0c50t4k0s.


@MartyDettmann your random number is: 2

Salt: f8owqlx9oom, round: 4340446 (signature a216f8b33a5718a77a1560e0bd157d6dc9805ec3187de535a4cb70e8712e96ebf4e78179e6c12a06ae0da1dc16b8ca4d12dc4ae2466e305bb2a05e091b5537f8ad1f4503496f977ff8308b5d13d0fdca3ee616e153c978273a26ecf008ad105f)


@MartyDettmann you asked for a random integer between 1 and 20, inclusive. Coming up shortly!

Source: GitHub, previous round: 4340444 (latest), offset: 2, selected round: 4340446, salt: f8owqlx9oom.

@SirSalty The community guidelines say to tag you if I'm unsure why my market is unranked so here goes: I don't think this meets the criteria outlined in the community guidelines. The only criterion that I think might apply is

Market resolves to something purely random/gambling-like.

I'm not sure that one applies though, since this market compares a purely random event to a real world event that's no more random than other ranked topics such as elections. Am I misunderstanding the rules?

@MartyDettmann hmm a bit of a grey area with the crossover of a random event and a real-world event that we haven't seen before. Props for the creativity haha

I think it's probably fine to leave ranked (I'll make it ranked for you again) but I can see why the mods chose to unrank it.

@SirSalty Credit for the idea goes to @Nightsquared. I also thought it was cool :)