Will Melania Trump file for divorce from Donald Trump in 2025?

꧁∙·▫ₒₒ▫ᵒᴼᵒ▫ₒₒ▫꧁ MarkMyWords Series ꧂▫ₒₒ▫ᵒᴼᵒ▫ₒₒ▫·∙꧂

The Mark My Words series takes actionable and popular posts from the Mark My Words subreddit and turns them into a prediction market. Hope you enjoy the format!


Resolution Criteria:

  1. The market will resolve as "Yes" if:

    • Melania Trump officially files for divorce from Donald Trump in any U.S. court during the calendar year 2025

    • The filing is publicly confirmed by reputable news sources or official court records

  2. The market will resolve as "No" if:

    • Melania Trump does not file for divorce from Donald Trump during the calendar year 2025

    • The Trumps remain legally married throughout 2025

  3. The market will resolve as "Invalid" if:

    • Donald Trump passes away before or during 2025

    • Legal proceedings preventing a potential divorce filing are ongoing at the end of 2025

Resolution Sources:

  • Official court records

  • Statements from official representatives of the Trump family

  • Reports from major, reputable news organizations (e.g., Associated Press, Reuters, New York Times, Wall Street Journal)

Closing Date:
This market will close for trading on December 31, 2025, or when an official divorce filing is confirmed, whichever comes first.Additional Notes:

  • The outcome is based solely on Melania Trump filing for divorce, not on the completion of divorce proceedings

  • Any reconciliation after a filing, if it occurs within 2025, does not change the "Yes" outcome

  • The reason for the divorce filing (if any is given) is not relevant to the resolution of this market

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There’s nothing lonely incels like to do more than psychoanalyze other people’s relationships. I’ve heard that Melania secretly hates Trump for 9 years now. Next year will be the year though huh

I'm pretty sure incels like masturbating more than anything else.

Psychoanalyzing other people's relationships is often the preferred domain of extroverted neurotypical women with lots of dating experience.

Also looks like people are buying $0 for 24 cents, so you should buy up the "No" shares

@MattF Why are you talking about masturbation? “Incels like doing this loser shit” “UH ACTUALLY THEY LIKE MASTURBATION MORE”. Fucking weirdo

Gonna go masturbate to recover from this