Will there be ≥400,000 people with a temporary residence permit for the purpose of employment in Germany in 2024?
Dec 31

The German government recently agreed on a law to make skilled immigration easier (Fachkräfteeinwanderungsgesetz).

The first changes will come into effect in November 2023, with the rest coming into effect in the following months.

In 2022, there were ~351,400 people with a residence permit for the purpose of employment in Germany ("Personen mit einem Aufenthaltstitel zum Zweck der Erwerbstätigkeit"), according to this official source.

Will this number be ≥400,000 in 2024?

I will use the official Destatis numbers to resolve this if possible and another trustworthy source if they don't give an update.

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What I meant was that there need to be 400'000 people coming in every year. https://doku.iab.de/kurzber/2021/kb2021-25.pdf

So it might be more relevant to ask if there will be 400'000 immigrants per year, coming in within like 5 years.

@SimonGrimm Yea I know I‘ll create a separate question if I get to it