Will Bitcoin exceed 100,000 USD In 2024?
Jan 1

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By late October. why? this is the final phase of the Front Run the Halving Op. I memed the op (lemme check first tweet) 1/3/2023 replying to a bob loukas tweet. 2/27/24 shared 100k target. The FRH op? rip the face off of all the 4 year cycle maxis. all the “wait till 2025” a massive run up will induce retail. retail will wake up if they see a 100k btc. And as they buy, market makers like Jane will print a distribution pattern and sell into strength. ogs will take profit, their limit sell orders will be food. we wick to 118-123k and ogs will hold waiting for 2025, their limit sells above the target will clog the order books and by the time they realize the top was in they will

sell on the way down. missing profit taking targets. many will cry as they sell at this accumulation range. and many will give up and offload when we return to 40-43k range in mid 2025 when all be 4 year cycle maxis were crowing we would be at 200-250k. and as the etf matures btc will be stolid, boring and a descent hedge against inflation. but gone will be the madness of hyper mania blow off tops.

or not

we shall see 🙃

predicts NO

@MichaelBetenson Is the early close date intentional? This is asking about events in 2024 but closes for trading before 2024; should the close date be extended until we know the answer?