If China invades Taiwan will there be direct military involvement from the US by EOY 2030
  • Resolves Yes if US directly uses it's military force against China

  • Resolves No otherwise

  • Resolves N/A if by close date China has not invaded Taiwan

"Invasion" is any attempt to establish a ground presence on the island of Taiwan with military force.

  • If China attempted a landing on Taiwan but was entirely thwarted by a US attack this would still resolve Yes

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predicts YES

Under what circumstances would it resolve N/A?

predicts YES

@PipFoweraker N/A if China does not invade Taiwan by close date. Iโ€™ll update the description

What if US uses force against Taiwan:

No way, america isn't doing anything for taiwan.

predicts YES

@DuSusisu Put some Mana on it then boi

@DuSusisu Biden said explicitly several times that they would, despite his advisors trying to stop him from saying this.

He would do it.

predicts NO

@DavidBolin What if Trump was President though. Or some other Republican?

Trump is about as unpredictable as MMA.

Youโ€™d think though with his hatred of china heโ€™d intervene. But itโ€™s not out of the picture Xi pays him a golf course to turn a blind eye.