If Trump loses the 2024 election, will he run again in 2028?

This market resolves YES if Trump loses the U.S. presidential election in 2024, but then runs again in 2028. I will count it as a loss if he runs but fails to secure enough votes in either the primary or general election, or if he drops out of the race at any point after the first primary or caucus.

If Trump loses the 2024 election but does not run again in 2028, this resolves NO. If he wins the 2024 election, drops out before the first primary or caucus, dies before the 2024 general election, or some other circumstance occurs that prevents him from meeting my definition of having lost the 2024 election, this market resolves N/A.

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How does this resolve if Trump loses the 2024 election and then dies or is otherwise incapacitated before he can run in 2028?

@evergreenemily It will resolve NO in that case.