Fentanyl is no longer the most deadly drug in America at some point before 2030

This only accounts for overdoses/poisonings. It does not include long term causal deaths or fatalities under the influence. "Most deadly" is granted to the drug with the highest total number of American deaths annually

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predicts YES

I think tranq (xylazine) is moving towards 🥇

How do you determine how deadly? Portion of users who die or total number of Americans who die from it?

predicts YES

@snazzlePop total number of Americans who die from it annually

@AnilJason So isn’t it already tobacco or alcohol and should resolve?

predicts YES

@KevinBlaw This only accounts for overdoses/poisonings. It does not include long term causal deaths or fatalities under the influence.

@AnilJason Then isn’t the most deadly drug LIFE?