Will a Canadian set foot on the moon by 2035?

If any Canadian citizen sets foot on the lunar surface before the first of January 2036, resolves to yes.

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One of the major benefits of being able to land 4 or more people on the moon, instead of just 2 with the Apollo lander, is that NASA can now bring along random Canadians, Japanese, Europeans, and other international partners on the space program. See for instance the Artemis 2 crew selection, which includes a Canadian citizen (as far as I know he is not a dual citizen??): https://www.nasa.gov/press-release/nasa-names-astronauts-to-next-moon-mission-first-crew-under-artemis

Artemis 2 will not land on the moon, and Artemis 3 / 4 might rotate around to other international allied countries. But by 2035 we will hopefully have done an awful lot of moon landings, so Canada will probably get the chance to squeeze in there somewhere -- I'd expect basically every Artemis mission to include at least one international-partner astronaut, and with a lander as big as Starship I'd expect NASA to eventually start sending more than just 4 people at a time.