Will 'the Pokémon Company' sue Palworld for copyright infringement? [jstlk]
Dec 31

Will 'the Pokémon Company' sue Palworld for copywrite infringement? [jstlk]

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bought Ṁ750 YES

resolves yes @mods

bought Ṁ1,250 NO

@strutheo @mods nevermind it was not copyright infringement!! patent infringement my bad https://www.nintendo.co.jp/corporate/release/en/2024/240919.html

@strutheo I am going to edit the title to say 'copyright' instead of 'copywrite', if anyone objects to this, explain why.

predicts NO

Does it have to be copyright infringement? Would trademark infringement also count?

@TonyPepperoni This question is pertinent, since they're currently being sued for patent right infringement https://www.nintendo.co.jp/corporate/release/en/2024/240919.html