Will winner of the 2024 Presidential election be a proponent of 2020 election fraud theories?
Dec 16

Jul 26, 10:03am: Will resolve if at any point between the 2020 election and the 2024 election the winning candidate claimed that the 2020 election was "stolen". Backtracking on pervious claims will still resolve to yes

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Biggest problem as a Nation right now is that the 'winner' stole the last election, and might well steal the next one. I mean, if you're on a roll, you might as well. And by 2028 Trump will very likely be too old.

So the real question is: Will the Uniparty steal another election? I find it hard to think that they wouldn't.

So I have to vote 'No'. Biden or his replacement will steal the election, and brazenly claim it was the 'fairest, most secure evar' and anyone speaking truth to power is 'a Russian agent'.

@EricAshley I bet 50 on No.

What if everyone claims every election was stolen and some people arenโ€™t smart enough to notice ๐Ÿค”
I specified the 2020 election in the question
@Gigacasting I specified the 2020 election in the question