Will anyone help me understand the twitter suspension process? (big bounty for help)
Oct 2

this is in the standard market format because bounties are deprecated. will resolve yes if anyone tells me something i don't know related to the market (probably will happen)

I have way too much mana and not much to spend it on, so i will easily pay >25k for genuinely useful info that i was not already privy to. 100k mana if you can magically open a portal to get twitter off my back. bounty will also prioritize quick info.

i have two accounts. i very rarely post on either one, and definitely not anything that could approach rule-breaking. mostly I just use twitter to read the news.

the last 2 weeks or so, twitter kept logging me out of my account about once an hour and subjecting me to insane amounts of Arkose challenges to log back in. today they finally suspended me for "Violating our rules against evading suspension".

i would prefer to not lose the account that got suspended, but i don't care a huge amount about it. what i'm worried about is that my first suspension was for evading suspension and i don't want to get suspended twice by starting to use the other account. i appealed the suspension but i have no idea what that process is like. i've been told that you can get an auto unban by saying that you were censored for conservative views but i'd like some more info on if that's actually true before trying it. thanks!

edit: suspended on a second account!

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I don't know if this is relevant but, a few months ago, I made a change in my Microsoft Edge settings to change tracking prevention from basic to balanced, while logged into X. I was immediately met with the need to re-login to X and started experiencing what sounds like the same logout/challenge cycle. I was notified that my account had a label on it due to potential platform manipulation. I clicked on the "Request review" button was still experiencing the logout/challenge issue.

I was able to stop the logout/challenge cycle. I don't remember the precise steps I followed but it involved finding any and all cookies x/twitter might be using and deleting them. I may have turned off tracking prevention prior to deleting them, then logged out of x, checked to make there were no cookies and then reenabled tracking prevention before logging back in. Whatever it was that I did, it stopped the logout/challenge cycle. After a few days, the label disappeared.

While your "evading suspension" seems different than my "platform manipulation," the similarity of the logout/challenge and "didn't do anything" suggests potentially similar origins.

In terms of getting around a suspension, I was permanently banned in 2017. I had to wait for Elon to buy it and promise amnesty. Even then, it took multiple requests and a couple of months. I think I followed some instructions from Roger Stone and did ultimately get my account back.

@HoldingC thanks, i think this is unlikely to work but i'll look into it some more. sent you 5k

@SemioticRivalry thx. good luck. one thing weird about it was that it affected all of my devices but, best as I could tell, it was the cookie thing in Edge on my MacBook that caused and resolved the logout/challenge cycle.

The "censored for conservative views" thing is a meme at this point and is unlikely to help

Step one: suck up to Elon Musk...

bought Ṁ20 YES

Were you using a VPN? If so maybe they flagged several users on that IP and probably got you banned

@Choms nope

@SemioticRivalry then I'd just ask them to explain why you were flagged, I would not try the censoring argument if you are not positive that someone else reported you because I don't think it will lift a ban that is related to a security issue vs people reporting your account, though they may take their sweet time to get back to you (if ever) based on my experience with them, hopefully you have better luck