What world events will happen before Biden leaves office?
Worldwide Power Blackout
9.0+ Earthquake
A.I. Hard Takeoff
Taiwan Invaded
Human on Moon
Nuke Detonated
North Atlantic Current Collapses
Civil War in OECD Nation
Russia or Ukraine Victorious
Cavendish Banana Pandemic

Major stuff that happens in the world from now (June 20, 2024) resolves YES, everything else resolves NO whenever Biden is no longer de jure President of the U.S., for whatever reason.

We will endeavor to be judicious about "world events": it must be anticipated as important enough that it would make headline news in several countries. If there's any doubt, we'll put it to a brief vote in the comments. It needn't be formatted as a headline or match any real headlines if it happens, but it's a good pattern for submission.

Close date is currently set to Inauguration Day, 2025, pending further info, but is obviously subject to change.

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Since he's out of the race, this timeline is much shorter! Some of these are basically impossible at this point, right?

Cavendish Banana Pandemic

@Stralor what does this even mean lol

Cavendish bananas (your everyday classic yellow bananas) are super vulnerable to infection and the world's supply may crash if a fungus or other disease gets loose in the trees.

There's precedent for this, btw. When I was a little kid (30 years ago), I was told that yellow bananas might be commercially extinct in 20 years, as that's what happened to the Gros Michel.

lmk if there are more potential world events you'd like to see added (but you don't want to front the mana to add). I'm happy to fill this out more

@Joshua a fair amount of Nothing Ever Happens liquidity here for ya