Will "On the fly modification and generation of in game environment during play using an AI system" be possible in 2030?

Lemme know if clarification needed. You ask the ai system to modify the game environment (not logic), in xyz fashion, and within a brief time (subjective), you play the game in the new environment.

(3D environment games)

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Technically, isn't that already possible? I mean, text games are games too – if I ask GPT to DM an RPG for me, I can at any time as it to switch, say, from fantasy to sci-fi.

You probably meant 3D game environment?

predicts YES

@XavierDunikowski yeah i meant 3D environment games

@firstuserhere I strongly suspect it’s already possible with today technology – a lot would hinge on what is “brief time" for you, but I imagine a determined programmer would be able to hook up their game to some image generation models to create new textures when users ask even today.

Possibly I'd reword the question to something like "Will any game released on Steam before 2030 allow on the fly theme/level/graphics generation based on user input?"

predicts YES

@XavierDunikowski fair enough. I've already seen some interesting demos of what you've described. Editing existing game scenes, and have myself taken some screen captures and asked models to edit them in certain ways. The thing with these sort of questions is that the wording has to be broad enough to capture the meaning but not too broad that it's vague. Like, there'll be someone saying "what if steam doesn't exist by then"

predicts YES

@firstuserhere I'll probably ask GPT 4 to generate a market description using these pointers lol

predicts YES

Even getting gpt to work at a kindergarten level and using fractions is impossible, so that will take a few years before anything happens at all.