Will Ozempic / semaglutide be FDA-approved for Alzheimer's before 2030?

Semaglutide (brand names: Ozempic, Rybelsus, and Wegovy) is an antidiabetic and anti-obesity drug. Its developer, Novo Nordisk, has three ongoing phase 3 trials run across the world of semaglutide for Alzheimer’s disease:

  • NCT04777396: 1,840 participants, started in 2021, results expected in 2026,

  • NCT05891496: 24 participants, started in 2023, results expected in 2025,

  • NCT04777409: 1,840 participants, started in 2021, results expected in 2026.

Will semaglutide be approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for Alzheimer's (or any kind of cognitive impairment) before January 1st, 2030?

Approval can be for the treatment (whether symptomatic or disease-modifying) or prevention of the targeted disease.

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