In 2024, Hayao Miyazaki will announce his retirement and then also announce his next film project?
Jan 1

Tracking predictions from the podcast Oh No, Ross and Carrie! episode 399. Transcript available at

Ross Blocher: Oh yeah, old celebrities. Hmm, I should be thinking about that. Okay, well I’m going to start with one that I mentioned last time, and that is that 83-year-old Hayao Miyazaki will announce his retirement and then also announce his next film project.

Carrie Poppy: (Chuckles.) Cute. Have you seen The Boy in the Herring yet? I haven’t seen it.

Ross Blocher: I haven’t! But I’m looking forward to it.

Carrie Poppy: Yeah, me neither. Okay.

I will resolve according to their evaluation in 2025 ("No" for a zero on their scale, "N/A" for one, and "Yes" for two)

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