Will the WHO achieve its goal to eradicate malaria in 30 countries by 2030?

YES, if the 30 countries have been certified as Malaria-free by the WHO in the period of 2016-2030;

NO, if less than 30 countires receive the Malaria-free Certificate by the WHO between 2016-2030, OR the WHO changes its goal.

Recources for background information: https://www.who.int/activities/eliminating-malaria

Global eradication strategy 2016-2030

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Eliminate ≠ eradicate.

predicts NO

Actually, the progress of fighting Malaria has stalled in the recent years. In fact Malaria parasites spread back into previously Malaria-free regions because of deforestation and illegal gold mining: https://lab.org.uk/venezuela-gold-fuels-malaria-epidemic/

predicts NO

10 in the last 7 years, 20 to go. They have to hurry up a bit.