(When) will Google's Carbon-lang be deprecated?

Google recently announced [carbon-lang](https://github.com/carbon-language/carbon-lang), a superset/succeeding language of C++ (in the vein of Typescript and Kotlin for their languages).

Given Google's reputation of deprecating exciting projects they launch, some voiced their concerns about the viability of Carbon, and whether Google will keep Carbon alive.

This market resolves to the year (+fraction) google announces their plans on deprecating Carbon-lang, if they do before July 27th 2026. Otherwise, this resolves as 100%.

I will be betting on this market as usual.

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Carbon is only experimental. Consider the [Carbon Language Roadmap](https://github.com/carbon-language/carbon-lang/blob/trunk/docs/project/roadmap.md). Leaving the experimental phase is only a "potential 2025-2026 goal".

The bounds are 2022.572 and 2026.572, the initial value is 2024.572 (corresponding broadly to July 27th of each year)