Which features will be missing in the next Apple Vision Pro?
Dec 31
256GB storage option
The number of front facing cameras will be less than 8
EyeSight feature
It won't ship with 2 head bands anymore
Front facing display
Polishing cloth will be missing in the box
External battery pack
Digital crown to adjust immersiveness
Persona feature

This is applicable for the next Apple Vision Pro that Apple releases.

If Apple releases more than 1 Vision Pro at the same time (e.g. Pro and non-pro version), this will resolve to whatever is true in one of the devices.

Close date will get extended until new Apple Visions are announced.

Any questions please clarify in the comments. If you want to add answer please comment.

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I think this section is unclear: “If Apple releases more than 1 Vision Pro at the same time (e.g. Pro and non-pro version), this will resolve to whatever is true in one of the devices.“

It can be true in one device but not the other? So… which device?

As per the title, it would have to be “whatever features the new Apple Vision Pro model drops“ over “whatever feature the new Apple Vision (non-pro) headset doesn't have“. (If this is not the case, I would highly recommend changing the title, as it specifically states Pro.)

But it's not clear to me how you'd resolve this?

What if they launch a new product like 'Apple Vision' that has the same general market, but not the 'pro' word in the name. Would you evaluate based on that device?

@DavidFWatson Yes, correct.