Will Jimmy Carter become a centenarian?
Oct 1

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Based on how people were betting in the past, why isn't this down at 80%?

(No of course it shouldn't be; but it shouldn't have been anywhere near as low as it was for nearly the entire duration of the market.)

@DavidBolin That’s because there’s only 10 days to go. The closer it gets, the higher the probability he makes it.

I love how you can track every death scare from the graph of this market

limit orders??

This market is making me nauseas. Farewell to you all, looks like I’m out of here (completely screwed) October 1. Ride was fun while it lasted!

Jimmy Carter is almost 100 and ‘still experiencing this world’

The former president is receiving care and visits from family at his south Georgia home in Plains


bought Ṁ250 YES

What's the news, @Dustin

bought Ṁ2,000 YES

@LeonardoKr Maybe he's worried the vibrations from last night's Rock Concert will kill him.

@LeonardoKr news is not public yet, will comment when it's announced.

@Joshua oh nooo they did a concert for him! Like an early birthday party. I'm so superstitious and influenced by Brazilian this-is-a-bad-luck-omen that I'll throw all my rationale over board.

Run for your lifes!

@Dustin please buy more NO, manifold breathes insider trading oxygen

bought Ṁ200 NO

@LeonardoKr You are the sick individual, I will tell you that. Disgusting to be acting like this. Have the respect for Jimmy Carter. This is the celebration of his life.

bought Ṁ50 YES at 95%

@CryptoNeoLiberalist you seem to suffer from Stockholm syndrome after insanity surrounded your basement

@LeonardoKr Have I done something of you to be deserving the hate and vitriols you are spittling in my way? Maybe you can taking the break from it here and touch the grass buddy. Sad.

@CryptoNeoLiberalist it's all Humorous my friend. It's how I read your "sick individual" line directed at me. Be in peace and root for Jimmy!

bought Ṁ1,200 YES

Thank you Jimmy, only a few days to go. Keep inspiring all of us.

Digital art gif. A birthday cake grins with a wide smile as candles flicker overhead. Happy text reads, "Happy Birthday."

One more of the month before collection man is coming knocking down the doors for a lot of your mana loans. Be warning about it! It is happening September 15. This is why I am buying no all the way, this way I can win it! Tax man is coming. Knock, knock, knocking out your knees with the baseball bat? @potatopenguin and @Predictor you will be placed under the arrest. POTATO vs PREDICTOR

bought Ṁ5 NO at 93%

@CryptoNeoLiberalist I'm telling you right now, keep me out of this and keep my name out of your shitposting.

@CryptoNeoLiberalist You gotta get off this site and see a psychiatrist buddy

@potatopenguin OK! See you September of the 15th!

bought Ṁ45 YES

@CryptoNeoLiberalist what day is today? Can you count to 15?