Will more New York Times articles use the word "wokeness" in 2024 than in 2023?
Dec 31

This is a market for answering questions like "has wokeness peaked?". See also this market.

I will resolve the market using searches like this https://www.nytimes.com/search?dropmab=false&endDate=20231231&query=%22wokeness%22&sort=best&startDate=20230101

Historical usage statistics:

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creator seems to be inactive, so I'm updating here after searching with the link in the market description

2024 YTD: 24

(2023 for the same period: 67)
2023 Total: 149

sold Ṁ18 YES

2024 numbers to date are significantly less than 2023 numbers for the same time period. Looking like NO so far then.

predicts YES

Can you update 2023 stats?

I wonder how the results would change if you didn't get results from the editorial page.