Will I be able to purchase internet with speeds of 500 Gbps in the NYC area by the end of 2029?

There is a reported breakthrough that claims to have greatly increased speeds on existing fiber optic lines

Link: https://www.zdnet.com/home-and-office/networking/scientists-hit-a-301-terabits-per-second-speed-over-existing-fiber-networks/

See: /strutheo/will-i-be-able-to-purchase-internet

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You can already purchase 500 gbits internet in NYC, its just not targeted for home customers

@Henryc47 yes I mean as a normal customer

@strutheo Makes sense, but would be good to get a more precise definition of what “home customer” means

@Henryc47 i have to be able to go to the website and checkout and order it myself for a residential address in the area, no special privs or waitlists or early adopter stuff