Will Nvidia stock end the year 2024 at $1000 or more? (divide by 10 if stock split)
Jan 1
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how do you intend to resolve stock splits? e.g. if it splits 2:1 and is worth $600.

also, how about the (admittedly unlikely) chance they are acquired? acquisition price?

@Adam ask me if it becomes likely lol. worst case ill NA

@strutheo It is quite likely on condition of the price reaching 1000$ and it doesn’t seem that there are any confusions in this market, statement “Nvidia stock at 1000$ at the end of a year” is quite clear. This market did not seem to be about capitalization. And let’s decide earlier what happens in the case of split as it is very important for pricing this market

@HandasonTam ok will reduct this accordingly by ten

@strutheo Thanks for the clarification! Does it also apply to your other relevant market?