In the 2024 election, which contiguous bloc will cast more electoral votes for the Democrats, East or West?
East Coast
West Coast

The Democratic Party voter base is anchored on the coasts. In recent elections, the East Coast has always provided the lion's share of the electoral college votes, but due to changing demographics and voter preferences, the West is catching up, and may a chance to overtake the East. The banner shows one possible map where the West would win.

This question counts contiguous blocs of electoral votes connected to a coast (i.e., neither Georgia or the Great Lakes states are likely to figure into the results, since they are unlikely not be contiguously connected to the coast through states that vote Democratic).

The question resolves to the coast which casts the most electoral votes for the Democratic candidate. Faithless electors could have an affect on the result.

NE and ME could also have an effect via votes allocated by congressional district. If a district in NE votes Democratic, and there's a connection to the coast, say via Colorado, then that vote will count for the West Coast bloc.

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