Will x.com require users to pay to use the platform by the end of 2024?
Jan 2

Elon Musk has mentioned offhandedly that the platform will consider moving towards a subscription model for all users in order to combat bots.

See video:


This market does not resolve N/A.

Resolves YES if:

  • At any point before January 1st, 2025, twitter.com or x.com requires all users, existing or new, to pay any amount of money to do ANY of the following: post, comment, repost, quote post, like, bookmark or view posts on the platform.

  • The resolution should be interpreted to mean "anything free users could previously do (as of today September 28th, 2023) but can no longer do without paying a fee"

  • A release of new premium features that add functionality to the platform that did not already exist do not count.

  • Currently paywalled features such a subscription posts or other premium features do not count.

Resolves NO otherwise.

This market is a longer resolution time frame of this market:



... x.com requires users to pay..


... x.com requires all users, existing or new, to pay..

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Regarding this update:


I regret that I introduced some amount of ambiguity by not distinguishing between new, existing, some and all users.

Because I mentioned all users in the opening description, I will use this meaning going forward. In other words, these changes must affect all users whether they are existing or new.