Are Republicans or Democrats better for the economy? [Annual GDP growth by presidential party]
Republican president, <2%
Republican president, >= 2%, <3%
Republican president, >= 3%, <4%
Republican president, >=4%
Democrat president, <2%
Democrat president, >= 2%, <3%
Democrat president, >= 3%, <4%
Democrat president, >=4%

This market will resolve to the answer with the combination of the party of the president elected in the 2024 presidential elections and the average real GDP growth rate for the years 2025, 2026, 2027, and 2028.

If a third-party candidate wins the 2024 presidential election, this market will be canceled. Average GDP growth will be calculated as the geometric mean of annual inflation-adjusted GDP growth for each of the four years, as reported by Our World in Data, or another broadly reliable source if the data cannot be obtained via Our World in Data. I expect the data to be available at, but if Our World in Data changes the format of their URLs the data may be found at a different URL.

After the election, when the other presidential election markets resolve, this market will resolve NO for the three answers with the party that didn't win the presidency. Anything that happens after that point doesn't affect that part of the final answer—the only part of the question left will be about GDP growth.

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It’s a long studied KNOWN fact when one removes lies, spins, stereotypes, and propaganda

1947-2021 Source: Wikipedia

Then bet, why don't you! Put your money where your mouth is, or else you're admitting that even you yourself don't believe a word of what you're saying!

Those r not MY words, idiot, those r facts. Know the difference b4 u go barking. Bet if the sun will rise tmw (also call Fact)? Your trade has NOTHING to do with ur “clickbait”title. Your trade is which party will win and the “associated” GDP growth 4 yrs out. One set of data points (ur trade) is not a trend (ur title)