Critical Role is currently developing Daggerheart, a tabletop RPG system designed for long-term fantasy campaigns, like Dungeons & Dragons. Thus the question: for their next campaign, Campaign 4, will they swap out D&D in favor of Daggerheart?
This resolves to YES if Critical Role uses an RPG system they made themselves (either Daggerheart or something else). It resolves to NO if they use a system they didn't design, and N/A if Campaign 4 has not started yet by 31st December 2027.
I will resolve the market once there's official confirmation of the system they plan to use for Campaign 4.
If something unusual happens (e.g., Campaign 4 uses multiple different systems on rotation), I will evaluate on a case-by-case basis.
Daggerheart is being published by their own gaming company (see Seems silly to use their huge streaming audience to promote the competitor's product (D&D) rather than their own.