Will Hachette v. Internet Archive be heard by the Supreme Court?

Hachette, HarperCollins, Wiley, and Penguin Random House sued the Internet Archive in June of 2020 over the IA's Controlled Digital Lending project.

Today a lower court issued a summary judgment in favor of Hachette et al.

The Internet Archive intends to appeal. Will the appeals continue and be accepted until the US Supreme Court hears the case?

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Base rates are way lower than this, and it’s not a particularly hard case IMO

Wouldn't be surprised if archive deleted 90% of it's irrelevant content tomorrow. There will be a huge cleaning.

@MarkIngraham The summary explicitly affirms that Internet Archive is within fair use to have digitized the books (following the 2nd circuit courts decision in the case concerning Google Books). While I could see a restriction of access (which hasn't happened yet), I doubt any deletion would happen.

predicts NO

@Imuli I'm saying they will delete a lot of content regardless because nobody uses it.